Monday, November 12, 2012


Herba Maharani antara khazanah perubatan dan amalan kesihatan tertua khusus untuk wanita. Ramuan khasnya telah menyerlahkan kehebatan dan keterampilan wanita sehingga kini. Herba Maharani masih tetap menjadi pilihan utama dalam penjagaan kesihatan dan kecantikan wanita di seluruh dunia. Amalan berterusan akan memanfaatkan kesihatan keseluruhan.

the exclusive packaging of this herba an exclusive red box

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freshness to your stress, no migrane..solve women inner problem..especially white discharge problem & etc..

-awet muda-

buy with confidence..!!!
dijamin HALAL


Thursday, November 8, 2012


First Zura tgk video nie, mmg seram sgt2.. Zura tak dapat bayang kann kalau Zura sendiri yg berada kt ctue.. Zura naik cabel car punn dh ketar lutut.. Huhuuuu..
Uolls boleh ketahui dgn lebih lanjut mengenai Glass Skywalk nie dgn membaca entry di bawah nie..

It is certainly not a path for the faint-hearted.
On one side a sheer rock face, on the other a 4,000ft drop - and all to separate the brave traveller from a deadly plunge is a 3ft-wide, 2.5in thick walkway.
And if that is not enough to bring terror into the pit of your stomach, the path running alongside a Chinese mountainside is made out of glass, allowing a crystal-clear view of where one false step can take you.
So it was perhaps understandable that this woman tackled the walkway by sticking as close to the cliff as possible, feeling her way along with tentative steps.

Don't look down: A brave tourist walks along the glass path that was built of the side of a cliff 4,700ft above sea level on Tianmen Mountain in Zhangjiajie, China

Dazzling: A glass path suspended on a cliff face has been built on the side of the Tianmen Mountain in China

The skywalk is situated 4,700ft above sea level on the side of the Tianmen Mountain in Zhangjiajie, China.  
The 200ft long bridge joins the west cliff at the Yunmeng Fairy Summit, the summit of Tianmen Mountain and Zhang Jiajie.
And it would appear to be too scary for the cleaners - tourists are asked to put on shoe covers before passing to help keep the path clean.

The pathway, built earlier in the summer echoes the glass-bottomed walkway at the Grand Canyon in the U.S.
The 70ft bridge is 4,000ft above the natural wonder and allows tourists to look through 2.5in of crystal-clear glass to the Canyon floor below.
The Tianmen mountain, literally translated as Heavenly Gate Mountain is so called because of a huge natural cave that occurs halfway up to the summit.

Stunning: The skywalk offers breathtaking views across the Hunan Province for those brave enough to attempt to cross the bridge

Situated in the Hunan Province, Its highest peak is around 5,000ft above sea level and it is home to a wealth of rare species of plants
A four-mile-long cable car was constructed in the park, which is said to be the longest of the same type in the world.
And no matter how terrifying the glass walkway may be - it can only be an improvement from another sky high mountain walkway located in the same province.
The Shifou Mountain, located 82 miles away, offers sightseers a 3ft-wide road made of wooden planks thousands of feet high.
When finished the wooden 'road' - which is the width of a dinner table - will stretch for 1.8miles making it China's longest sightseeing path.

Not so high spec: Workers built a 3ft-wide plank road on the side of Shifou Mountain, in Hunan Province, China earlier this year

Jom layan beberapa gambar Glass Skywalk nie..

Nie plak gambar semasa pembinaan..

#Seram kann.. Huhuhuuuu



Penuaan kulit sememangnya sesuatu yg tidak dapat dielak, namun dgn maklumat & teknologi yg ada pada hari ini, sebenarnya seseorg itu masih boleh kelihatan muda sebagimana yg mereka rasai. Setiap wanita yg meningkat usia harus memberi peluang kpd kulit wajah utk kembali muda & tegang. Garis halus & kedutan adalah masalah utama ketika usia melangkah angka 30-an terutama pd sekitar mata, dahi & mulut. Dalam dunia estika, kedutan dikategorikan kpd dua jenis kedutan dinamik & kedutan kekal. Kedutan dinamik wujud pd wajah apabila seseorg itu melakukan ekspresi seperti tersenyum, marah, ketawa & sebagainya. Kesan kedutan ini akan hilang setelah wajah kembali normal. Manakala kedutan kekal adalah kesan kedutan walaupun tanpa sebarang ekspresi wajah atau dalam keadaan tenang. Kedutan kekal adalah akibat drpd kehilangan keanjalan sel kulit pd wajah yg mengakibatkan kulit akan menjadi semakin kendur & meninggalkan kesan garisan halus. Kulit yg muda lebih kuat & tahan lasak, bagaimanapun apabila usia meningkat sedikit demi sedikit akan kehilangan keanjalan, kepadatan & kelembapannya. Ini menyebabkan ia sukar utk kembali ke kedudukan asal apabila berlaku ekspresi pd muka. Pergerakan pd otot wajah yg berulang seperti senyum, berkedip & mengenyit akan menyebabkan timbulnya kedutan dinamik. Apabila usia terus meningkat kulit bertambah kendur & kedutan tersebut semakin ketara.



  • Elak berjemur bawah matahari
      Ini kerana cahaya matahari punca nombor satu munculnya kedut. Kajian pernah dijalankan oleh seorg doktor pembedahan plastik, Darrick Antell dr New York, Amerika Syarikat (AS) terhadap dua beradik kembar seiras. Kembar yg kurang didedahkan kpd cahaya matahari kurang kedut & secara keseluruhan lebih muda berbanding kembar yg gemar berjemur di bawah matahari

  •   Gunakan krim pelindung matahari

American Academy of dermatology (ADD) menyarankan jika terpaksa terdedah kpd matahari gunakan krim pelindung matahari. Ia akan melindungi kulit drpd kanser & pd masa sama mengelak kedutan

  • Jangan merokok
Pendapat ini masih menjadi kontroversi di kalangan sesetengah penyelidik, tetapi semakin banyak kajian mengesahkan bahawa asap rokok boleh menyebabkan penuaan pd kulit. Kajian mendapati individu merokok cenderung memiliki kulit yg lebih berkedut & lebih 40 peratus nipis berbanding orang yg tidak merokok

  • Tidur yang cukup

 Ahli dermatologi dr Universiti Yale, AS, Nicholas Perricone berkata, apabila tidak cukup tidur badan akan menghasilkan cortisol, hormon yg merosakkan sel kulit. Rehat dgn cukup & tubuh akan mengeluarkan lebih banyak hormon HGH yg membantu kulit kekal anjal & kurang berkedut

  • Tidur terlentang
ADD percaya kedudukan tertentu ketika tidur malam boleh menyebabkan 'garis tidur' iaitu kedut yg nampak jelas pd permukaan kulit & tidak hilang walaupun selepas bangun dr tidur. Tidur mengiring meningkatkan kedut pd pipi & dagu, manakala tidur telungkup menyebabkan kedut pd dahi. Bagi mengurangkan pembentukan kedut, ADD menyarankan tidur menelentang

  • Jangan kerap mengenyit atau mengecilkan mata

ADD menyebut sebarang pergerakan berulang-ulang pd otot wajah seperti mengenyit mata membentuk alur di bawah permukaan kulit. Alur ini lama-kelamaan akan membentuk kedut

  • Makan lebih banyak ikan terutama salmon

Ikan merupakan sumber protein terbaik, salah satu yg membantu mendapatkan kulit yg cantik. Ia juga sumber fatty asid dikenali sebagai omega-3 yg membantu menyuburkan kulit & menjadikan gebu & nampak muda sekali gus mengurangkan kedut

  • Gantikan kopi dengan koko

Kajian mendapati koko mengandungi dua bahan penting dlm diet iaitu epicatchin & cateching yg tinggi. Dua bahan ini melindungi kulit drpd kerosakan, meningkatkan edaran darah, berkesan utk hidarasi & membuatkan kulit nampak licin

Ataupun Zura cadang kann ini...

Uolls boleh dapat kann keterangan lanjut mengenai BBplus Kolagen nie melalui dua entry Zura sebelum nie..
So, apa tunggu lagi.. Dapat kann segera untuk kulit wajah yg berseri-seri.. :)


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Great article for all women out there..!!

Ever wonder if your diet is missing something? Add our expert-approved, eat-right picks to stay lean, healthy, and strong.
Related: 10 Stay-Slim Foods to Have in Your Kitchen

The Cancer Fighter
Don’t let brussels sprouts’ signature scent turn you off. “The smell is a compound called allyl isothiocyanate that causes precancerous cells to self-destruct,” Jonny Bowden, PhD, author of ‘The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth’ says. “It’s entirely possible that eating them every few weeks could help greatly reduce the incidence of colon cancer.”
Bonus benefits: These mini-cabbages are packed with fiber and immune-boosting vitamins C and A.
The “Skinny” Steak
Red meat has a bad rap. The thing is, it really is good for you. Ideally, go for a cut that is both lean and grass-fed. A recent report from the Union of Concerned Scientists shows that meat from grass-fed cows usually has more conjugated linoleic acid (which has been shown in animal studies to combat cancer) and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids than the grain-fed variety. Plus, meat from grass-fed cows is lower in total fat and calories. As long as your serving is a lean cut, such as tenderloin, feel free to make this smart choice two or three times a week, says Bowden.
Bonus benefits: Beef is a great source of protein, iron (a mineral that one in five women are deficient in), and heart-healthy B vitamins.
The “It” Spice
Curry may very well be the spice of life: Curcumin, the antioxidant that gives the condiment its color, has been shown to halt tumor growth and destroy cancer cells in lab tests. “Our research revealed that this ingredient may help prevent a variety of diseases, including multiple myeloma, lymphoma, and breast, ovarian, and pancreatic cancers,” says Bharat Aggarwal, PhD, a professor of cancer medicine at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. At this point, it’s still unclear exactly how much curry you should eat to help avoid disease, Aggarwal says. Experts simply recommend using the spice liberally to reap the rewards. For recipes, check out the book 5 Spices, 50 Dishes, by Ruta Kahate.
Bonus benefits: The antioxidants found in curry may also help break up plaques in the brain that cause Alzheimer’s disease, say UCLA scientists.
The Next Nut
Pistachios are the new health nut. Why is that? New research from the University of Toronto shows that they may reduce the risk of diabetes by decreasing the effect of carbs on blood sugar levels. “Pistachios are high in protein, fiber, and healthy monounsaturated fat,” explains study author Cyril Kendall, PhD, “all of which contribute to the slowing of carbohydrate absorption in the body.”
Bonus benefits: Other recent research has shown that eating two to three ounces of pistachios a day can help significantly raise your level of good cholesterol (HDL). Pistachios are full of vitamin B6 and copper, too, which help increase energy.
The Java Junkie’s Dream
Rejoice! Your morning cup of joe is healthy. Experts on an American Society for Nutrition panel recently concluded that drinking three to five eight-ounce cups a day lowers your risk of Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and colon and liver cancers. “Among other things, the antioxidants in coffee protect your cells and DNA from damage,” Bowden says. “Coffee seems to increase antioxidants in the blood, too.”
Bonus benefits: Women who drink at least six cups a day are less likely to develop high blood pressure, revealed a 2005 study by Harvard scientists.
The Heart-Smart Whole Grain
One of the easiest ways to significantly lower your cholesterol is to eat whole-grain oatmeal daily, reports a British review of 10 studies. The fiber in oatmeal forms a gel that slows down your body’s absorption of cholesterol.
Bonus benefits: “People who eat oatmeal for breakfast tend to stay full all morning and consume less at lunch, due in part to the protein and fiber,” says Dave Grotto, RD, a nutritionist in Chicago and a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.
Related: 6 Recipes for a Whole-Grain Dinner
The Fit Fish
“Shrimp is about 90 calories per three-ounce serving, it has virtually no fat, and it’s packed with protein, making it the ultimate diet food,” says Ellie Krieger, RD, host of the Food Network’s Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger. It may even help prevent heart disease, thanks to astaxanthin, the antioxidant that gives the shellfish its red tint. “People shy away from shrimp because it’s high in cholesterol, but cholesterol in food is much less likely to raise your blood cholesterol than, say, trans fat,” says Kathy McManus, RD, a FITNESS advisory board member and director of the department of nutrition at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Moreover, eating about a cup of shrimp daily can raise your good cholesterol level, found a Rockefeller University study.
Bonus benefits: Shrimp is also rich in cancer-fighting selenium and bone-building vitamin D.
The Sweet Surprise
Enjoying a small amount of flavonoid-filled dark chocolate may prevent clogged arteries and reduce your risk of developing heart disease. Also, eating up to 3.6 ounces daily can be as effective as beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors at lowering blood pressure, notes a recent Archives of Internal Medicine study.
Bonus benefits: Studies have shown that eating chocolate releases serotonin, the feel-better brain chemical.
The Red Wonder
Take two tart cherries and call me in the morning. While your doc may not say that yet, she might soon: A new animal study from University of Michigan shows that consuming a powdered version of tart cherries can lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, as well as decrease the body’s ability to store fat in the liver. It’s not yet known if cherry-rich diets will have a similar effect on people, but University of Michigan researchers are hopeful.
Bonus benefits: People who exercised and drank two 12-ounce glasses of tart cherry juice daily for eight days reported less muscle pain than those who sipped a placebo, finds a 2006 study.
Related: Easy Ways to Add More Color to Your Diet
The Trendy Tomato
Red tomatoes are full of lycopene, a substance that helps lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, and macular degeneration. But orange tomatoes offer two and a half times more. Apparently, they contain a form that the body can more easily absorb.
Bonus benefits: One cup of orange tomatoes provides 338 percent of the RDA for vitamin A.
P/s: imagine if we can eat like this, and continue to wear Premium Beautiful..we could maintain our body shape and improve our health at the same time..


Article nie Zura ambik dr blog CDM Salha Zain


Friday, November 2, 2012


Ramai yg mengetahui bahawa kesihatan adalah asas kecantikan dan kebahagiaan. Jadi, tidak hairanlah semakin ramai yg mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat dan mementingkan pemakanan yg berkhasiat.

We are what we eat. Kebenaran pepatah Inggeris ini tidak dapat disangkal kerana tahap kesihatan biasanya berkait rapat dengan amalan pemakanan seseorang.

Masyarakat kini lebih berhati-hati ketika memilih makanan. Namun, penggunaan racun serangga dan antibiotik dalam industri pertanian dan makanan adalah fakta yg diketahui umum. Ramai yg menyedari kesan sampingan yg diakibatkan oleh penggunaan bahan-bahan kimia tersebut. Namun, tidak banyak yg dapat dilakukan untuk menyingkirkan bahan kimia sebelum makanan tersebut selamat untuk dimakan.

Mencuci makanan sebersih-bersihnya dengan menggunakan air garam adalah langkah biasa untuk menyingkirkan bahan pencemar yg terdapat pada makanan. Namun, kaedah konvensional ini tidak semestinya dapat menjamin makanan tersebut adalah bersih dan selamat dimakan untuk jangka masa panjang.

Kini, kerisauan tentang makanan yg benar-benar selamat terjawab dengan terciptanya BIOzone Food Purifier yg mampu menyingkirkan sehingga 99% kuman, bakteria dan bahan-bahan berbahaya. Penggunaan BIOzone Food Purifier secara kerap dan berterusan akan menjadikan badan kita lebih sihat dan cergas.


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* 32 jenis fungsi
* Tempoh pembersihan ( sanitation ) selama 3 minit
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BIOzone Food Purifier
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# Memelihara nutrien makanan
# Mesra alam
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Kalau korang nk tau lebih lanjut, korang boleh click BIOzone Food Purifier..
Bertindak lah dr sekarang untuk kesejahteraan hidup yg mendatang..
