Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Kali nie Zura nk share dengan uolls cara untuk ukur saiz Premium Beautiful pd badan sendiri.. Bagi memudahkan uolls mengetahui saiz Premium Beautiful yg tepat pada badan sendiri, jom tengok cara ukur kat bawah nie.. Uolls boleh guna pita pengukur biasa mcm org nk jahit baju tue, then ukuran diambil dlm unit cm okay..


Lagi bagus uolls minta kawan yg ukurkan, jgn terlalu ketat @ terlalu longgar, biasa2 jer.. Then dh ambil ukuran, msg / emel / pm / ape2 caralah pd Zura.. So, Zura boleh tolong uolls untuk tentukan saiz terbaik Premium Beautiful...

 Tak pun, uolls boleh tengok jadual kt bawah nie

Kalau uolls tak faham sgt, xpe.. Uolls just ukur jer & beri  ukuran tue pd Zura.. Simple kannnn..


Monday, September 24, 2012


 How confident are we that the food we prepare for our family is free from radicals, chemicals and toxins? Now, we have the luxury of purifying our food prior to cooking and be assured (if not 100%) that is safe, healthy and made out of love. Introducing the Biozone Food Purifier!
BIOZONE Food Purifier uses a proprietary process integrating ozone-resistant materials to convert oxygen (O2) into ozone (O3). The ozone that eliminates contaminants will be converted back into oxygen. The medical grade silicone tube will then channel the ozone into the water where the food is immersed. Bubbling process will take place to purify the food within the pre-determined time frame.
The benefits:
Effectively removes contaminants in the food and retain food nutrients.
Effectively preserve food freshness and remove foul odour.
Multi-functional purification on food : Meat / Fruits / Vegetables / Seafood / Herbs
Consistent ozone output and environmentally-friendly.
How long do I need to purify the vegetables and meat?
Please refer to the operating instruction manual found inside the packaging box. Generally, all the food (Eg : fruits, vegetables, seafood) require 15 minutes. Only meat (Eg : chicken, lamb, beef) requires 30 minutes. This machine operates at maximum 45 minutes, which can be used for long bath or refrigerator.
Moreover, there is 3 minutes ON/OFF sanitising function for a liter of water. This sanitising function is used to remove bacteria on the surface of food in a quick manner without the use of water. Generally, if you have more water, you can multiply timing accordingly. The maximum volume of water is 10 litres or 30 minutes.
What happens if the ceramic stone or silicone tube is broken?
Replace with a new set which comprises a ceramic stone and a silicone tube.
Why do I need to perform the general maintenance after 2 years from the date of purchase?
The technician will open up the BIOZONE Food Purifier machine to check and clean all internal parts, including calibration. This is to ensure that BIOZONE Food Purifier operates at optimum performance and last longer.
Do I need to purify for longer interval if I have a lot of foods?
BIOZONE Food Purifier is designed for HOUSEHOLD USE only. Assuming you have 3 – 4 chicken portions, it is still fine to take 30 minutes to purify the meat as long as you adhere to the maximum water volume of 10 litres.
Does it consume excessive electricity?
No. The electricity power consumption is minimal at 35 Watts only. It is like lighting up a bulb in your house.
How do I service the ceramic stone?
Plug the silicone tube out from the machine. Use a toothbrush to gently brush the surface of the ceramic stone under the tap running water. After that, air-dry. Once a while, dry it under the sun. If there is any bad odour, you may purify the ceramic stone in plain water for few minutes and air-dry.

Will the food nutrients be lost in the purifying process?
We have a laboratory test on the meat to show that most of the nutrients are maintained. This can only be possible using a good food purifier. If you use conventional technology, it might reduce the nutrients substantially.
Do I need to wash the food again after purification?
It is not necessary to wash the food after purification process. But, if you feel the need to rinse the food after purification, you can use filtered water to avoid any re-contamination with tap water.
How long can the BIOZONE Food Purifier last?
After the first 2 years, as long as you send back the machine for general maintenance once a year, it can last very long.
Why can’t I use a plastic container and what other bowls can I use?
Not all plastics are ozone-resistant. Generally, we do not advise to use plastic bowls. It would be best to use stainless steel or glass bowls.
Can I use to clean baby bottles?
Generally for plastics, we try to avoid direct purification. You can first purify the water in a glass or stainless steel container and use the purified water to rinse the baby bottles.
Why meat has foam, but for vegetables, it is not visible?
Pesticides are generally soluble in water, hence it is not visible. For the foam, it is a long chain of fatty acid which is more prevalent in meat. Most of the fatty acid has polymer-based compounds which may be difficult for the body to absorb. If the body is able to absorb, it actually goes into the blood stream which may be bad for health over a long period of intake.
Can I remove antibiotics from the meat during purification process?
The foam did not reveal any antibiotic trace, but during the 30 minutes purification process, the laboratory test report showed that antibiotic was absent after purification.
Will the foam be totally gone if I detoxify for longer periods of time?
The chances of the foam being totally gone is rare because more fats can be removed through longer periods of purification. The side effects would be more nutrients lost. Hence, we do not need to over-purify the meat.
Some vegetables and fruits float up during the purification process. What can I do?
Just use a cover to close the bowl with a small gap for the silicone tube to pass through, as long as the cover is not made of plastic material.
How can I be certain that BIOZONE Food Purifier can perform 100% purification?
We do not claim that BIOZONE Food Purifier can purify all chemicals by 100%. Our objective is to try to minimise as much chemicals as possible before we consume the food. Most chemicals can be reduced through the BIOZONE Purification Process, which we have a series of laboratory tests to share. Scientifically proven in many advanced countries, ozone technology is commonly used for purification of water, food and swimming pool treatment.
Cash rebates of RM250 available now for every puchase of Biozone food purifier!


Hari tue Zura pernah share mengenai leader Zura iaitu CDM Salha Zain dlm Hijabista Magazine. Sekarang nie, giliran mentor Zura pulak iaitu kak Ida Amira. Uolss boleh baca entry kt bwh nie yg Zura ambik dr blog kak Ida Amira : Hijabista October 2012


Never in my wildest dream would I ever thought of being featured in a magazine! Let alone a 4 page spread! Alhamdulillah, syukur to Allah SWT and thanks (kudos I might add) to Hijabista's editor, Suziana Zulkifli and her wonderful team for the opportunity and a great time during the photo shoot.

Not to forget, a warm thanks to my beloved mentor in the Premium Beautiful business, Salha Zain for the call and urging me to grab this one of a lifetime opportunity. Who says business has to be dull, all work and no play? I am so grateful to be in GLAM (Green Leaders Academy Malaysia). Last month, the mentors were featured in the magazine, and this time around the business partners! As my mentor puts it: Be In The Right Group ;). Oh yeah!

The super gorgeous Datin Juma on the magazine cover

Future millionaires. With Yanie Mohamad, Ida Amira, Noor Hazawani & Dewi Sulaiman

We would do it all over again in a heartbeat! :)

Super fun as we mingled, savoured good food and enjoyed the latest collection from fashion label, Emystic


The September Issue

Natasha Hudson looking gorgeous and FIERCE! 

 Ladies of Premium Beautiful. From left: Maisarah Ibrahim, Hanis Haizi, Salha Zain and Echenta

Pink all over!

So grab your copy now and support this FABULOUS magazine!


Syok kannnn..!!!! Dengan hanya berbisnes jer dh boleh kuar majalah.. Tak payah nk tunggu jd artis baru nk kuar majalah kannnnnn.. Doa kann Zura jugak jd mcm leader & mentor Zura yer.. Aamiin..

Friday, September 21, 2012


Sapa kata lelaki tak boleh pakai Premium Beautiful..??? Boleh jer tp Waist Nipper jer okay.. Kalu pakai full set, nnti jd lain pulak.. Ahaksssssss.. Zura gurau jer.. Waist Nipper dr Premium Beautiful nie mmg direka khas untuk lelaki dan wanita..

kalau lelaki yg pakai, xde la nampak cam nie.. nie contoh apabila disarung ke badan perempuan

 Kebaikan Premium Beautiful (Waist Nipper) ni pada lelaki??

* 1st effect - Perut buncit transforms to Perut kempis.

* 2nd effect - Slouch/Bongkok jadi TEGAP.

* 3rd effect - Tidur nyenyak/lena.

* 4th effect - Buang angin/air/toksin.

* 5th effect - Kulit jadi sihat/lembut.

Cara pemakaian waist nipper: 

* disarankan memakai CONSISTENT 8 jam sehari (senang pakai time pergi kerja)
* if selalu bersukan seperti jogging, gym, futsal, bola, badminton, pemakaian Waist Nipper membuatkan   anda rasa badan lebih ringan dan lebih bertenaga
* cara pemakaian pastikan diamond pada waist nipper tu berada ditengah2 bahagian depan badan.. jangan lupa silang kan tali di belakang badan dan bawa ke bahagian depan dan cangkuk pada bahagian yg disediakan.

So, apa lagi kaum adam.. Rebut la peluang nie.. Pasti isteri, tunang, kekasih akan lebih menyayangi mu..

anda sekarang cam nie
anda selepas pemakaian Waist Nipper

 Bayangkan anda kaum adam seperti gambar di atas.. 
Apa lagi, hubungi Zura tuk dapatkan Waist Nipper anda SEKARANG!!!!!


Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Pertama kali Zura baca entry CDM Salha Zain nie, mmg menusuk ke kalbu.. Begitu banyak rintangan yg perlu beliau tempuhi sehingga berjaya seperti sekarang.. Zura nk korang baca entry kt bwh nie & sama2 menghayatinya.. 
Zura ambik dr blog CDM Salha Zain : Change Your Life Now or Never

You will never know ‘When is the right time for you?’

Ingat dulu-dulu 3 tahun yg lepas mase Salha baru-baru start business ni…After dah dengar peluang biz ni dari my mentor, Hanis..Salha memang tak sabar sangat nk start…
TAPI…mengenangkan yang Salha ni surirumah..memang takde modal…dalam account bank Salha ade balance RM14.60…itulah hasil bekerja selama hampir 6 tahun tapi tak pernah dapat saving..sebab macamana nk saving…income sebulan kalau  bahagi 30 hari memang just cukup-cukup je..orang panggil income makan gaji ni mmg cukup untuk hari-hari..bukan income untuk saving..so modal mmg takde…masetu pulak..ingat nk pinjam husband tapi die tak kasi Salha buat biz ni..hmm….camane nk start nih???

Selain tu, macam2 halangan lain lagi before salha nk start biz ni…
Anak kedua Salha Irfan baru usia 2 bulan…tengah menyusu lagi..amin pulak baru 1thn setengah…masetu mmg takde bibik..nk ambik bibik pun tak mampu..and taktau nursery mane nk hanta my kids..sebab i tanye2 nursery memang mahal and yelah bile kite dah lame jadi surirumah and jage anak kite sendiri, mmg rase kalau boleh tanak orang lain jage anak kita…hati risau sgt..

Lagi satu, kereta cuma ade satu je…itulah our family car…dulu ade 2 kelisa tapi terpaksa jual satu untuk nk jimat kos..salha fikir camanela aku nk gerak kalau satu kereta ni…husband nk pakai kereta gi kerja..then aku nk buat biz…so howwww?..

Macam2 yang bergelumang dalam fikiran Salha..sampai Salha buntu…i almost give up..tanye pendapat kawan2 salha and a few family members, semuanya tak kasi salha start dulu…”belum lagi..”..”ko tunggulah dulu..” “alah biz ni aku dengar (macam2 bende negative keluar)”..
Bile Hanis tanye, Salha jawab maybe Salha tak dapat nk start lagi coz salha mmg takde modal and keadaan tak mengizinkan…i fikir maybe its not the right time for me..i jawab kat hanis..”nntilah, bile i dah ready i bagitau’..

After that Salha fikir balik…agak2 bila aku ready?? nnti kalau aku lambat, semangat aku pun dah hilang..hanis camane pun akan tetap kedepan and aku pulak kat mane?…takkan asyik duduk and bace blog hanis je…dari aku asyik bace je baik aku follow die..sampai bile aku nk jadi surirumah..sampai bila aku takde saving..anak2 aku makin lame makin besar..nursery, sekolah semua mahal..nk belanje pun cukup2 makan…apa persediaan aku untuk hari tua nnti…bile badan dah tak larat nk bekerja?

 Aku takde financial back up langsung…kalaula terjadi ape2 kt suami aku..sakit pening, ajal maut kite tak tau…ish..ape agaknya yang aku ade? mak ayah aku dah nk pencen..siape nk jage diorang nnti..Ya Allah…kuatkanlah hatiku ni Ya Allah…
 From that moment..Salha tanamkan sifat degil…Kalau kite nk berjaya memang kene ade sifat degil ni…Salha terus mintak husband buatkan loan untuk dapatkan modal even mase tu husband still tak kasi..salha tak peduli…sebab yang nk buat bisnes salha..bukan husband salha..so salha ckp..”u tak payah risau, i will make sure takkan sentuh duit gaji u untuk bayar loan u ni” even mastu kepala nk pecah fikir..yeke aku ckp nih…aaaahhh…tak pedulila…buat jee.. and even macam2 obstacle nk dapatkan modal untuk salha start…tapi salha keraskan hati salha untuk buat jugak…kalau tak sekarang then bile lagi…??kannn??

After macam-macam cabaran, perit getir nk mendapatkan modal..Alhamdulillah…akhirnya salha berjaya kumpul modal and terus tak tunggu lagi untuk mula bisnes ni..
I always believe that, “Journey of a thousand miles begin with the first step….”

So inilah langkah pertamaku..

 Let’s make a CHANGE!!!

If we want to make a change in our life…we must go through a transition period dimana kat situ macam2 cabaran yang kite dapat sebelum nk mula…hati tak tenang, jantung berdebar-debar, semangat hanya kt hujung tanduk je…sentiasa 50-50..nk ke tanak..semua akan lalui bende yang same..and macam2 anasir yang manghasut supaya kite tak berubah…dr orang yang terdekat dgn kite sampaila yang ke jauh…syaitan iblis pun turut menyumbang jugak..manekan tidak, bila ade umat Islam nk memajukan diri mereka and nk bantu umat Islam yang lain…perkara tula paling dibenci Iblis..tapi kalau kita yang keraskan hati and dapat go thru segala cabaran dan bisikan, itulah petanda die nk berjaya..
Ade jugak bile dapat je cabaran camni, terus lemah and they just give up..orang camni memang sampai bile2 pun camnila..same je..tanak berubah…Ade yang lagi best… bile dapat cabaran, die kate maybe itu petunjuk dari Allah untuk jangan buat bisnes ni…what???
Cube tanye semua orang berjaya kt dunia ni…contohnya Donald Trump??
Agak2 beliau takde masalah ke?
Agak2 beliau langsung takde cabaran ke?
Beliau terus jadi billionaire ke?


So kesimpulannya kt sini… Semuanya bermula dari kite… Kalau kite tak mula sekarang, bile lagi??? Kite takkan tau when is the right time for us.. Kalau kite tunggu je…mungkin mase tu cabaran dan halangan lain pulak yg datang…

Rezeki yang Allah datangkan kt kite, ialah tanpa kite sangka..tanpe kite bersedia..Hanya Allah sahaja Maha Mengetahui bile mase yg terbaik untuk kite…TAPI bile rezeki dah datang kt kite and kite tolak, seperti kite dah tolak rezeki Allah..

Bile Salha dah 3 tahun dalam bisnes ni…Macam-macam perubahan yang berlaku kt salha…group salha makin lame makin besar..Salha rase bersyukur sgt coz Salha degilkan and keraskan hati salha mase salha mula-mula nk start biz ni…just dlm 3 tahun je my life change 360′…Alhamdulillah syukurr…

And now, i just want to move forward..i want to go through more beautiful experiences after this.. I believe, there are more to come…

 Alhamdulillah..syukur Ya Allah atas segala-galanya…sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pemurah dan Maha Penyayang…

Time and Tide Wait for No Man.
Sedetik kita bertangguh, Seminggu masa berlalu.
Salha Menanti Anda Semua di Puncak Kejayaan!
Mulakan Langkah Anda dari Sekarang!

 CDM Salha Zain


If you have the urge to change your life for the better, take that step and be a part of my team. U hold my hand and I will lead you. You have the full support of our mentors in this business. Have an open mind and the body will follow.
